question about scat girls meeting ?

  • Hi we would like to know where is the the best place or best country to meet a real scat girls with experience not Dominatrix
    interested to real meeting for extreme scat pee game

    many people says in general Japan or Germany it is true. ?

    We think much girls are curious about scat but not seriously interested to do it for real its just a big fantasy for them
    scat can be scary when you don`t know if its ok to have these feces in your mouth or on your body without diseases

    so many of these girls here or other forums are scared to meet strangers people into scat pee sex
    for many reasons first they scared about violence , rape ect,, and its understandable
    in the world where we lives it hard to trust anyone easily

    so what is the best way to convinced a girls into scat to meet you for fun ?

    many time we had a email conversations with many of them and when we asked her phone to talk with them seriously
    they stopped to writing us and they disappears of surface of the earth
    we were disappointed but we think we are not the only ones who lived that

    if you have an opinions about this thread leave it there

    shitty kisses
    Rick and Mary

    fffff ffff :sprichzurhand:

    Einmal editiert, zuletzt von couplescat ()

  • Hi kink yes we tried but never succeed .singlextreme same thing
    but we dont know privategig we will try thanks for info

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