Guten Tag, from the US

  • Hi. I've been visiting this board for a couple weeks and doing some lurking and chatting. I find the people on this board to be much more welcoming of others than any other fetish board I've watched. I don't speak German, but I've been managing with the help of babelfish and a little Amifish in chat.

    What can I say about myself? I discovered my interest in kaviar some time last year and added that to the long list of kinks that compell me. I saw a vid with Rieke and was floored. I have yet to experience kaviar, or any of my other more extreme kinks, and feel very... ambivalent about the potential to do so. I'd like to, but as most on this site know, finding an interested partner is either difficult, expensive, or both.

    I think that the biggest attraction of kaviar to me is the intimacy of it. It is forbidden and taboo and takes a lot of trust in one another. I think also that it represents a sort of release of pretension and apprehension that I find appealing.

    I would like to get verified for this site and I would also like to meet and discuss kaviar (and other kinky things) with friends with similar interests. I am a very private person, though, and can't have pictures or videos of myself doing nasty things on the internet. Even though I would certainly like to make pictures and videos of just that.
    Thank you to Midlifepunk and Rieke for putting up this board and sharing these things. It is a nice place to visit.

    (I posted this here because I could not start a new thread in the English speaking forum).

  • A very warm Welcome in our Community ! I wish you a nice Time and have fun and a lot of Inspirations!

    Greets BrownElvis

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