Beiträge von dirty4pleasure

    In meiner Jugend war das Partnerin finden trotz des extremen Fetisch und ohne Internet deutlich einfacher und erfolgreicher. In der Fetisch-Club-Szene fanden sich immer Mädels die mit dem Thema als Dom oder Sub etwas anfangen konnten. Im www scheint alles auf den ersten Blick leichter. Leider ein Trugschluss wegen des unausgewogenen Verhältnisse von Angebot und Nachfrage. Die meisten Frauen sind Fakes, lesbisch, gewerblich oder in festen Händen. Der Rest wird gnadenlos zugespamt und hat gar keine Lust mehr auf das reale Treffen, das dann vieles einfacher machen würde. Nur face to face sieht man, ob die Chemie stimmt und ein Funke überspringt.

    Bei mir zieht sich der Kaviarfetisch mit all seinen Facetten seit meiner Kindheit durchs Leben. Angefangen hatte alles, als ich im zarten Alter von 6 Jahren eine experimentelle Hormontherapie gegen einen bei Jungs sehr häufig vorkommenden Hodenhochstand bekam. Die Therapie brachte nix, es musste trotzdem irgendwann operativ erledigt werden. Was zurückblieb war mein schmutziger Fetisch, der seitdem mein Leben prägte. Durch die Hormone bekam ich immer wieder in den denkbar ungünstigsten Alltagssituationen sexuelle Gefühle und einen Ständer, was ich damals noch nicht einordnen konnte. Beim Hören einer Märchenschallplatte „Frau Holle“ übermannten mich diese Gefühle dann just in dem Moment als die „Pechmarie“ von oben bis unten besudelt wurde. Ich hatte damals so etwas wie einen Orgasmus und das prägte sich tief auf meiner Festplatte ein.

    Da ich auf dem Land lebte brachte ich später in Träumen und Fantasien das Thema Kuhmist mit ein. Meine Jugendfreundin, die auf einem Bauernhof lebte, liebte es mit mir im Sommer auf der Kuhweide barfuß in die warmen Fladen zu steigen. Sie war überhaupt sehr obszön, pisste und schiss draußen wann immer ihr danach war, ohne sich hinterher abzuwischen. Als wir unsere ersten Pettingerfahrungen sammelten genoss ich immer den herben Schweißgeruch ihrer leicht behaarten Achseln. Beim Oralsex geilte mich der herbe Geschmack ihrer Pissmöse und der bittersüße Geruch ihrer braunen Rosette zusätzlich auf.

    Mit 17 dann erfuhr ich durch ein Kontaktmagazin eines Freundes das erste Mal von Leuten, die Natursekt und Kaviar praktizierten. Das Thema lies mich nicht mehr los bis ich endlich volljährig war und die ersten Sperrgebiet und Grenzbereichfilme im Sexshop entdeckte. Über ein Kontaktmagazin lernte ich dann bald Michaela aus Mainz-Kostheim kennen, fasste allen Mut zusammen und traf mich mehrmals mit ihr. Sie hat mich praktisch bezüglich KV entjungfert und nahm mir alle Scheu. Noch heute denke ich gerne an die geilen Sauereien zurück und Schmieren gehört für mich fast immer dazu. Auch mit „Kaviar aus dem Sackerl“ machte ich mit ihr meine ersten Erfahrungen, weil es uns nie genug „Spielmasse“ sein konnte.

    Dazwischen hatte ich ganz normale Beziehungen, die mehr oder weniger befriedigend für mich waren. Von zugeschminkten Tussies mit übertriebenen Hygienevorstellungen bis hin zu echt derben, natürlichen Girls. Mit meiner großen Liebe Silvie zog ich dann irgendwann alle Register. Sie war neugierig und absolut notgeil und wollte alles ausprobieren. Wir holten uns immer härtere Pornos und versuchten sie nachzustellen. Silvie und ich gingen auch immer gemeinsam auf´s Klo – einmal setzte sie sich frech auf mich während ich mein Geschäft verrichtete und sagte, sie müsse auch scheißen, jetzt sofort. Mach nur dachte ich und sie seilte eine Ladung Kaviar auf meinen Schoß ab, den ich ihr schön über den Körper verrieb. Seitdem legten wir immer eine Plane unters Bett und hin und wieder gab es spontane Pissspiele oder wir bezogen beim Analsex, den ich besonders in einem vollen Darm liebe, den Kaviar mit ein. Da ich im Elternhaus das Dachgeschoß mit eigener Dusche für mich hatte war das kein Problem für uns. Leider wurde sie im Laufe der Zeit nymphoman und zog mit anderen Kerlen das weite.

    Ich fiel in ein tiefes Loch und suchte verzweifelt nach einer Partnerin, mit der ich ähnliches erleben kann. Dadurch lernte ich die Augsburger Fetischszene kennen. Eine alte Bekannte von mir, Patrizia war mittlerweile professionelle Domina und erkannte schnell, auf was ich stehe. Zu dieser Zeit hatte sie auch immer wieder Kunden, die nach NS und KV verlangte und sie nützte die Gelegenheit, mit mir quasi zu „üben“. Trotz allem waren wir gute Freunde und ich lernte so die Seite als Sub kennen. Aber nur als Mittel zum Zweck, eigentlich bin ich kein bisschen devot sondern liebe es auf Augenhöhe. In dieser Zeit lernte ich auch mit weiteren Mädels Klinikspiele mit Einläufen kennen, Prostata-Orgasmen und Analdehnung bei mir bis zum Fisten – was mir heute noch gefällt obwohl ich weder bi noch devot bin. Auch meine Vorliebe für Leder und Latexkleidung entwickelte sich damals.

    Patrizia schleppte dann irgendwann ein Mädel an, die sich zur Toilettensklavin abrichten lassen wollte. Hedwig war extrem devot, hatte keinen Job und gemeinsam erzogen wir sie zu 24/7 Toilettensklavin die alles mitmachte, was ich wollte. Es war eine sehr geile Zeit in der ich immer wieder Grenzen überschreiten konnte. Leider war ich ihr nicht hart genug, weil mir auch die sadistische Ader fehl, und sie ging irgendwann zurück zu ihrem Ex.

    Ich hatte dann mehr oder weniger normale Beziehungen. Dabei waren aber auch Doro aus Berlin, die es absolut liebte während ihrer Tage Sex zu haben und Anja, die total auf Analsex abfuhr und sich immer wieder mal in den vollen Arsch ficken und danach lecken lies. Irgendwann lernte ich dann meine Frau und Mutter meiner Kinder kennen. Es war Liebe auf den ersten Blick und ich öffnete mich sehr schnell bezüglich meiner Sexualität. Zu meiner Verwunderung war sie nicht abgeschreckt, sondern sehr offen und neugierig. In den ersten Jahren hatten wir immer wieder geile Sessions mit Kaviar und Natursekt, wenn sie richtig geil war schreckte sie auch vor Kaviarküssen nicht zurück. Leider lies das abrupt nach Geburt unseres ersten Sohnes komplett nach. Jahrelang war ich in der Hoffnung, dass es wieder zurückkommt, doch vergebens. In einer offenen Aussprache offerierte sie mir, das sie meinen Fetisch eigentlich eklig findet und sich nur aus Neugierde und Geilheit darauf eingelassen hatte. Wir beschlossen, unsere Beziehung zu öffnen und uns außerhalb zu suchen, was wir uns nicht geben können.

    Ich versuchte es zunächst über das Internet und stellte schnell ernüchtert fest, dass es trotz der Vielfalt der Angebote sehr schwierig ist, eine versaute Gespielin zu finden. Irgendwann lernte ich über eine SM-Seite Katrin aus Bayreuth kennen. Sie war 10 Jahre älter als ich und hatte einen kleinen Bauernhof. Ihre beiden erwachsenen Töchter waren schon aus dem Haus, so dass wir uns ungestört treffen konnten. In Ihrem Profil schrieb sie nur was von Natursekt, sie ließ sich aber zu meiner Überraschung schnell zu Kaviar überreden. Wir trieben es versaut im Freien an einem Baggersee oder in ihrem Stall, es war ein absolut geiler Sommer.

    Als diese Beziehung zu Ende ging versuchte ich es aus der Not heraus auch mit gewerblichen Damen. Ich traf mich mit Mia in Dresden und Isabelle in Linz, aber so richtig sprang der Funke nicht über, da für mich auch viel Vertrauen dazu gehört. Seit einigen Jahren treffe ich mich 2-3 mal pro Jahr mit Ingrid, wir haben eine echt gute Basis und mittlerweile wissen wir genau, was der andere will.

    Mit Kira startete ich letztes Jahr den Versuch einer richtigen Beziehung – allerdings merkte ich zu spät, dass sie nur das Geld im Kopf hatte obwohl sie Gefühle und Freundschaft immer in den Vordergrund stellte. Mir gefiel ihre unkomplizierte Art, wie sie bei einem Aperol Spritz in einer Bar ungezwungen über den Geschmack von Kaviar plauderte. Sie war aber extrem hektisch und wenn wir zur Sache kamen wollte sie es schnell hinter sich bringen. Sie wollte auch immer eine Kamera mitlaufen lassen und schoss hinterher Selfies von uns. Ihre Möse war absolut tabu und mir schien es, als wäre sie nur auf Scheiße und Arschlecken fixiert.

    Heute versuche ich den Fetisch bestmöglich aus meinem Alltag zu verdrängen. Ich lenke mich mit Fitness und Kampfkunst ab oder mit gemeinsamen Ausflügen mit meinen Jungs. Mit meiner Frau habe ich nur noch sporadisch und eher leidenschaftslosen Sex. Am liebsten wäre mir ein 24/7 dirty lifestyle, was aber Familie und mein Job als Sales Manager nicht zulassen.

    Zurück zum Thema, ich kenne und liebe alle Varianten der versauten Spiele. Von Periodensex über Natursekt bis hin zu Rollenspielen als Dom oder Sub und Klistierspielen bin ich für alles offen und kann jeder Spielart etwas abgewinnen. Wichtig ist mir eine Partnerin die ich attraktiv finde und Vertrauen als Basis. Bei Kaviar kenne ich keine Hemmungen, egal ob es um Schmieren oder Aufnahme geht. Mit Vomit habe ich keinerlei Erfahrung, denke aber dßs ich mich dazu überreden lassen könnte.

    Meine Aktivitäten beschränken sich zurzeit auf das Sammeln von Videos, monatlichen Solosessions im Hotel und die Treffen mit Ingrid, ohne die ich meinen Fetisch an den Nagel hängen könnte. Aber die Hoffnung stirbt zuletzt und es tut gut, in alten Erinnerungen zu schwelgen.

    Hallo zusammen,

    ich kann schon seit vielen Jahren zuhause keine Session machen. Entweder sind die Kinder im Haus oder mein amerikanischer Schwiegervater, der bei uns wohnt. Daher weiche ich schon seit vielen Jahren auf die Hotels aus, in denen ich auf Geschäftsreisen übernachte. Wichtig ist ein geräumiges Zimmer, idealerweise mit einem harten Bodenbelag der sich auch mal abwischen lässt. Große Fenster um hinterher durchzulüften und ein Bad mit idealerweise Badewanne für die persönliche Reinigung hinterher. Das Bett decke ich immer mit handelsüblichen Lack-Sheets ab und einer alten Wolldecke, auf der sich 90 % der Sauerei sammelt und die zuhause einfach in die Waschmaschine kommt. Nach diesen (meist solo) Sessions packe ich alles in Müllsäcke und verstaue es wieder im Kofferraum.

    Gemerkt hatte bisher noch keiner was. Ich habe in den meisten Orten Stamm-Hotels die ich immer wieder buche. Mit Kira wäre ich beinahe mal aufgeflogen, weil sie unbedingt in ihrem Zimmer duschen wollte, das neben meinem lag, und eingesaut über den Hotelflur latschte8o  

    Hallo zusammen,

    beim Stöbern auf einer alten Festplatte habe ich eine alte Geschichte zum Thema KV und SM gefunden - die Web-Seite von dieser Pauline gibt es wohl nicht mehr und der Text ist auf Englisch. Wünsche Euch trotzdem viel Spaß beim Lesen.

    Pauline the Toilet Slave

    When Irma had her messiest-ever Summer Solstice party, something I wasn't expecting at all was to become a toilet slave myself. But I did. Of course I've done toilet service loads of times before, but never like this, an anonymous being locked invisibly into the toilet, a recipient for piss and shit and worse from anyone who cares to use it, swallowing everything - or else suffocating - from any number of unknown users. It was quite an experience.

    Even though Irma's parties always go on until very late, often until after dawn in the summer, by around two things were starting to slow down. A lot of people had gone off to enjoy themselves in a bit more privacy, or were just plain tired. I'd had a wonderful time, my cunt was oozing cum and my bum too, I'd been smeared with piss and shit and the strong taste of piss still filled my mouth - I'd spent a fair bit of time drinking it from cocks and pussies alike. I wasn't ready to stop yet but I was beginning to get a bit tired. I had gone down to the basement to check up on spot, the toilet slave who was serving in Irma's stand-up slave toilet. He'd been there for over twenty-four hours, apart from a short break during the day, teetering in his ballet boots and taking regular beatings on his body and legs as well as doing his toilet duty. He was in a bad way, covered in weals and bruises, his legs and bottom trembling uncontrollably from the effort of standing all that time. Anyway, while I was getting him ready to spend the night, Irma came in too. She told me that one of the other toilet slaves had been really ill, and they'd had to take him out of the toilet to recover. Well, that's no big deal, it often happens, even the best-trained slaves often can't stand spending hours swallowing shit and piss. Of course it's a disgrace and the slave always gets a sound thrashing afterwards, but it's quite common for them to start puking uncontrollably or something like that. In fact we wire them up using some medical gear so we can monitor them and make sure nothing terrible happens. So really I wasn't sure why she'd come down specially to tell me. But then Anna appeared behind her, with an evil glint in her eyes.

    "Pauline, my love, you've never been in one of Irma's toilets have you?" Well, no, I hadn't. We'd talked about it a bit, and I was never sure I wanted to try it. It's one thing to take shit straight from someone, or lick it up, or even to take an anonymous turd from a public toilet and wolf it down. (Mmm, I'm getting quite turned on just thinking about it). But being held captive, with no control of any kind, no ability to reject anything, I wasn't at all sure it was for me. But now I knew that I wasn't really going to have much choice. Of course I could say no, but I just never do with Anna. She's the real-life version of the imaginary evil sadists and terrible people who would torment me and make me do unthinkably disgusting things when I was a teenager, things that used to turn me on like crazy - still do. So next thing, I'm in front of an empty slave toilet, waiting to be its next victim. It was the one that holds the slave face-up, piss and shit flowing down a slope into his (or her in my case) waiting mouth, with the slave's body stretched out in front. Ironically I'd had quite a lot to do with designing it, it has quite a few features that I half-dreaded, half-hoped would be used on me. There's a sort of shallow plastic bathtub affair in front, that the slave lies in. It was in a filthy state, it hadn't been cleaned up after the previous slave who in the hours he'd been there had obviously been used quite a lot. Following Anna's orders, I undressed, pulling my lovely red rubber party dress up over my head, then laid down in the filthy tub ready to be locked into the toilet. It was lined with a slithery mixture of shit and piss that felt wonderful under my bottom as I slid backwards. But I was quite frightened, you know, a "butterflies in my tummy" feeling. Would I really be able to stand it? I knew that Anna would only release me if I was really in a very bad way indeed, not just because I wasn't very happy. She knows that she has to push me up to my limits and beyond them. She just knows me too well. I slid back until my head was in the toilet part, the back of my neck supported on a soft rubber pad. The top part of the head-box was closed, shutting me in and making a seal around my neck, and I heard the click as it was locked into place. You can feel the seal as a slight pressure, but not enough to interfere with breathing or be really uncomfortable. My head was also supported on an inflated rubber cushion, which held me tightly in position. The whole thing reeked of... well, you can imagine. Invisible hands spread my ankles and fixed straps around them, holding them wide apart draped over the edges of the tub. My wrists were also fastened at my sides, leaving me unable to move about. I could hear Anna and Irma talking, but I couldn't make out what they were saying. Then Anna spoke loudly into the toilet itself.

    "Well, Pauline my love, you're in there now. For now we'll leave you like that, but I expect that all those clever refinements you and Irma thought of will come in handy later. You seemed pretty keen on the stuff from cunt's containment suit, so here's something to be getting on with. Enjoy. I'll be back later. Well, maybe". And sure enough, there was the stench of the days-old mixture of piss and shit that had been swilling round inside Michael's shit-slut's rubber suit before she took it off earlier in the evening. I'd carefully saved it, and used it when I trained a shit-slave during the evening's entertainments. I'd even tasted it, but that isn't quite the same thing as getting a pint of it poured into your mouth. It ran down the slope and flowed over my face and into my mouth. I had to swallow or I wouldn't be able to breathe. It was pretty vile as I gulped it down, trying not to gag on the strong, sickly-sweet taste of decaying shit and piss. Before I'd even finished, the light dimmed as someone sat on the toilet and instantly a long stream of piss started flooding down over me and into my mouth. From the taste I was pretty sure it was Anna. That was a pleasure to drink, my only regret that I had to gulp it down and couldn't savour it. My cunt was all tingly already.

    After that it was a short wait for my first real "customer". I felt rather than heard the footsteps, then the light dimmed as he or she took their seat. The head-box of the toilet is made of clear plastic, but there is a kind of coating which means that once you're inside it you can't see anything, although you are completely visible to anyone outside. This adds a nice element of humiliation - you never know who is watching you, your head swilling round in shit and your desperate efforts to swallow it before more comes. First I got a faceful of piss, and from the taste I knew it was a guy. Then I heard straining, and a long hard turd slid down towards my mouth. The tip of it touched my lips and I could reach it with my tongue, but it got stuck and it just stayed there, teasing me. Then some more came, and this was a bit runnier and lubricated things a bit, so the turd slid nicely down to me. I had to sort of nibble at it and use my tongue to pull it into my mouth, with the runnier stuff coming in around it. So far, it was quite enjoyable. I felt a hard boot on my belly. I should explain that the design means that the slave's belly and legs are exposed in front of the toilet seat, although there is a cover that can be used if the slave's master or mistress wants. But I'd been left fully exposed. The structure of the toilet hid my tits and everything down to about my navel, leaving my lower belly and pussy exposed. The hard edge of the sole pressed into my slit, hurting a bit but getting me nice and wet as well. Up around my head, I found that it is impossible to get to everything. The piss swilled around, carrying little bits of shit everywhere, lodging all around the sides, in my eyes, up my nose, in my hair, everywhere. There's no way to get at anything that isn't carried into your mouth. Once you've swallowed what you can and licked around your lips, the rest just stays where it is. That's the first rather unpleasant thing. Blinking and snorting gets the little bits out of your nose and eyes, but it stays everywhere, tickling and feeling yucky. Of course for me this quickly became a turn-on, I imagined my sadistic pirate looking down at me, mocking me for being covered in little bits of shit.

    I can't remember every single customer I had, of course. There were all kinds. In the nature of things most people just want a piss. My belly quickly started to fill up. I had piss in my ears and up my nose. But I also got to try all different kinds of shit. After drinking and eating too much, not to mention various kinds of messy play, quite a few people get the runs, and I got to take several glops of runny stuff that really tasted foul, even to me. Then there were the little hard constipated turds that people spent ages forcing out. I felt quite sorry for them as I heard them grunting and straining, I could just imagine an anus puckering, and pushing out, and the tip of a hard little turd appearing, then sneaking back inside again, over and over, until eventually it pops out. Then it would roll down into my waiting mouth, where I would chew it and savour the taste. Everyone tastes different.

    I'd probably been there for a couple of hours. My belly was feeling really full. I'd pissed several times, and I'd shit a couple of times too, so my bum was swilling around in the stuff, which was also flowing up my back. My cunt was wide open and exposed, but of course with my wrists bound I couldn't reach her to give myself a quick rub. The general instructions for using slave toilets were to ignore the slave, to pretend that they're just part of the plumbing. So nobody helped me, you wouldn't give tongue to a U-bend and nobody did to me either. I lay there getting more and more frustrated, feeling disgusted and turned on more and more. I just needed someone to fuck me, to ram a cock or a dildo or anything at all in me and fuck away at me, giving my cunt something to grip on. I was desperate. And at the other end, my head was getting into a worse and worse state. A thick layer of shitty sludge covered my whole face. I couldn't shake my head or move it around to dislodge the mess, which stayed there, up my nose, in my eyes, and everywhere else. I had to keep my eyes shut, so I couldn't see anything. Really I'd lost all track of time. Then I heard Anna's voice.

    "Hello Pauline. How are you doing? It's bed-time, for me anyway. I think you'd better stay there, though. Don't worry, I won't be lonely in bed, I've found someone to fuck me. It won't be as cosy as with you, but then you aren't available anyway. I bet you're feeling randy, aren't you?" I tried to speak but the shit all around my face made it impossible to do more than groan. I wriggled my pussy around to try and show that she was right. I felt her moving about around my legs, but I had no idea what she was doing. Then I felt something big and hard slide into me. My god, it felt good. I nearly came just with that first push. But I couldn't make out what it was. Anna was evidently fiddling about with it, I felt it slipping around and moving about, turning me on horribly. Then things were still for an instant, and there was a humming noise. It was a fucking machine. It slid deep into me, pushing against my cervix, then pulled out again until only the very tip was inside me, then again, in and out, again and again. My cunt squeezed tight around it, my whole body responded to it, and within a few strokes I was crying out, half choking on bits of shit that found their way into my mouth, spraying them everywhere, struggling against my bonds.

    "Just as I thought, you dirty little slut. You definitely deserve to stay here all night. Here, you'll need this". She slipped something into my right hand. "Squeeze it". I did, and the machine started again. I released it, but the machine carried on running. I was close to coming again when it stopped. There was obviously a timer - I could start it but once it was started I couldn't control it. I squeezed again, but nothing happened. "Don't be greedy. You can't be, anyway, because once it's run it won't start again until you've had a cooling-off period. Oh, one other thing, I've got a control too, it works by radio, so if it starts fucking you during the night it's thanks to me". The bitch, the sadistic bitch. And the time it ran for wasn't enough to make me come, not once I'd come a bit already and wasn't so desperate for it. So I'd be kept teased all night but I wouldn't be able to come. The bitch. I love her. Then I felt something tighten around my chin. Oh no! This was one of my little contributions to Irma's toilets, and now it was being used on me. A strap inside the inflatable cushion can be tightened so that the slave can just about open their mouth, enough to slurp in liquids but not enough to take a big mouthful of anything solid, or to get their teeth around anything. You can imagine what this means. Piss and the runny stuff can be swallowed, slowly, but all the solid stuff just piles up. The slave can still breathe, if necessary by sucking and blowing and making stuff move around, but gradually gets covered by a growing pile of shit, until, if you leave her for long enough, her whole face is under inches of the stuff. And this was precisely what my lovely Anna, my bitch tormentress Anna, was doing to me. I worked my jaw against the strap, and sure enough I could open my mouth by about a quarter of an inch, but no more.

    By now everyone had given up partying and was sleeping. It was a very quiet time for me. Every now and then someone would wake up for a pee and I'd have a customer. Mostly they were men, who would piss into the toilet, everything running down, soaking into the shitty stuff on my face and dribbling between my nearly-closed lips as I swallowed. It was strong, night-time stuff for the most part, with the sickly-sweet taste that comes from mixing with shit. Amazingly, between visits, I dozed. Sometimes only the dirty piss flowing down into my mouth woke me up for a new arrival. Then someone came in for a real dump, a big sloppy mess that slithered down the chute and onto my face, covering my mouth and nose. By sucking and slurping at it I could create a gap to breathe through, but my efforts also sucked a load of it up into my nose so I could only breathe through my mouth. Another visit shortly afterwards gave me some more solid stuff, real turds, but I couldn't reach them through the rest of the stuff. Every time someone pissed it washed a bit more of it into my mouth, as well as down over my hair and into my eyes. This was pretty hard to take even for me. I really did feel degraded and disgusted. Which, as usual, turned me on as well. I squeezed the control for my fucking machine, which started to thrust inside me. As I gasped with pleasure, gobs of runny shit slithered between my barely open lips, turning me on even more. But then, just I was getting really juicy, it stopped. I squeezed and squeezed in frustration, but by the time it would run again I was back off the boil. This happened several times, each time I got just a tiny bit closer but not quite there. Then something happened that actually made me glad to have a thick layer of shit sitting on my face and over my mouth. Someone stumbled in, nearly tripping over me, probably very drunk, and then puked violently into the toilet. She caught her breath (well, it sounded like a woman) then retched again, and again, and again. Even with my nostrils filled with shit I could still smell it, the strong acid smell of puke. It dribbled down through the pile of shit, and of course there was nothing I could do about it except swallow it, the acrid taste burning in my throat. Little bits of food came through with it too, crunchy bits of peanut and chewy bits of meat or something. That really was gross. I lay there breathing carefully, trying to get as little as possible of this new filth to pass between my lips - although I knew that I'd end up swallowing it eventually, but maybe later it would not be quite so strong. Of course every time someone pissed, it washed more of it into my mouth.

    And then the machine started up. I hadn't squeezed the trigger. Its movement was much faster and more violent before, and it felt like it was going to tear the insides of my poor cunt apart. It hurt, but it was an incredible turn-on as well, and soon I was gasping and panting, and with every breath my mouth filled up with more of the foul mixture of piss and shit and puke. I was expecting it stop any time, but it didn't, it just kept on ramming into me, banging into my poor cervix each time, then tearing back out of me again. My cunt muscles were squeezing and squeezing, and soon I came, screaming even through all the filth which bubbled and churned over my face. I nearly choked as I gasped it into my throat. Still the machine thrust away inside me. Obviously Anna was controlling it, and she could make it do what she wanted. I wondered if she was watching me, either just outside or via the tiny webcam built into the head box. In any case it kept running even though now I just wanted to relax. I torture my male slaves like this, keeping them in pain and discomfort after they come. For a while the intense turn-on vanishes, leaving (even for me) just a strong sense of revulsion at where I was and what I was doing. For a few minutes I felt quite sorry for myself, laying there with filth covering my face and filling my gut and throat and nose and ears. I started to cry. The thrusting of the fucking machine in my cunt really hurt, especially when it whacked into my cervix at the end of every thrust. As I sniffled and cried out in pain, more of the filth found its way into my throat, where I had to swallow it if I wanted to keep breathing. And while all this was going on, I was still a toilet slave, open for business. It was gradually turning into early morning, when people wake up bursting for a piss before climbing back into a nice warm bed with a snuggly body alongside waiting for a cuddle. Not for me though, not tonight. As I lay there still feeling thoroughly disgusted with myself two guys used me, one after another, the flood of their piss washing generous amounts of shit into me. I'd come about three times before Anna finally had mercy on me and turned the machine off. My cunt really hurt, sore from the thrusting and rubbing and the muscles hurting from squeezing around it. My cervix had really taken a battering which made my whole belly ache dully. Of course I'd pissed and shit myself several times during the night and the mixture was swilling all around my bum and back. I was getting busier again, and I had several customers in a short while, quite a few of them needing a big, early morning shit. The pile over my face was getting quite thick and it was getting hard to breathe, and probably it was backing up into the actual toilet part too. I felt the strap being loosened and undone, allowing me to open my mouth properly for the first time in hours. My jaw hurt and I had cramp, and of course the first thing I did was to open as wide as I could. Whereupon a great mound of the filth fell in, and I had to swallow it quickly if I didn't want to choke. In fact I gulped the whole lot down greedily, as if I was starving and it was some kind of fine food. As I swallowed I squeezed the switch again, setting the machine off inside my bruised and sore pussy. I gulped and gulped until there was nothing left that I could reach, I even belched because I'd eaten it so quickly. Luckily my belly and guts were fairly empty after the quiet night. Suddenly it all felt good, the foul taste filling my mouth and belly, the thick layer still covering everything except immediately around my mouth. I sneezed repeatedly, forcing stuff out of my nose until I could breathe normally again. By the time I'd finished all that I was able to get a second burst with the machine, and even though it was short it was enough to bring me to orgasm again. Just as I was coming I felt something unexpected. Someone had obviously crouched down over my pussy and taken a big dump there, instead of using the toilet. I felt it sliding down between my legs, slithering into my slit. It felt particularly sloppy and disgusting, which in my present mood just aroused me even more and made my orgasm even more violent.

    I was afraid that this extra filth would put people off. (You might think the right word would be "hoping", but I was past that now, I was reveling in filth and self-disgust and arousal and and shit and piss. A couple more people had puked into the mixture, and even the acrid taste of puke was turning me on. Yeah, I know, there's something funny about me. I noticed that a long time ago). But actually it seemed to have the opposite effect. Things were getting really busy now. Even though people had been partying until late, their guts were still on regular time and they were waking up for a quick dump and a piss before returning gratefully to bed. In fact a couple more people decided to use my body instead of the toilet, I could feel the slithery stinking mixture over my lower belly and my cunt and my thighs. I must really stink by now. I thought about the other slaves, who I supposed were going through much the same thing. I wondered how spot was doing, still trying to balance in his awful ballet heels. I hoped that Anna had taken good care of him, with a few sound beatings. I'd hate to think he wasn't getting his money's worth (literally - this weekend was costing him a fortune, I'm good but I'm not cheap).

    Time passed, and my poor belly was getting really full, I was sure it must be swelling as though I was pregnant. I'd drunk what felt like gallons of piss, most of it good strong morning stuff. One woman was pregnant, the taste was very obvious. I wondered if she knew. I'd swallowed more shit than I'd ever thought possible. Another woman had thrown a used tampon into the toilet. You're not really supposed to do that, since they're just about impossible to swallow. I sucked it dry, I love the taste of period and the gooey, bloody feeling and all the little bits of mysterious woman stuff - if you haven't read my period slave story, you certainly should. Then I spat it out and it got stuck in the pile of shit somewhere around my forehead. I wondered how long I'd be able to go on for. I needn't have worried, someone else had thought of that. I heard voices, Anna definitely, and then I realised Bianca was there too. Bianca had learned an amazing amount in a very short time, just a couple of months, but I didn't think she was really up to seeing me like this. I hoped it wouldn't put her off, I really like her and I was sure we could do great things together (and I was right, we have, since then).

    "Cor, Anna", I could hear, "she really stinks, don't she? D'you fink she minds? I mean, what's it like for her? What are we going to do wiv 'er?"

    "If I know my Pauline, she's loving every second of it. And if it she isn't, well too bad, she deserves it anyway". (Well of course Anna was dead right, I was loving it, the bitch). "You're right, she does stink, looks like she's had quite a night, the dirty slut. How did she get into that state? And look, her tummy is all swollen." (I was right then). "Let's make it easier for her". I felt something hard pressing on my mouth. I knew what it was. This toilet has a dildo gag built into it, coming through a hole in the top of the head compartment. It's hollow, so other things can pass through it. There was more and more pressure, and eventually I had to open my mouth. The dildo went straight to the back of my throat, making me start to gag. It went further and further until I really was having trouble not retching. Then two things happened at once. The dildo suddenly went right down into my throat, and someone stood on my swollen belly. There was nothing I could do. Stuff came out of everywhere, a fountain of vomit up my gullet and out through the hollow dildo, an uncontrollable gush of liquid shit out of my arse, and a flood of piss too. Everything hurt. My belly hurt. I could feel naked feet pressing down on me, someone's whole weight, most likely Bianca. The dildo pressed harder and harder into my throat. I puked again and again. God knows where the puke went, up and out of the dildo and I suppose all over the toilet area. The pressure on my belly went away, and then I felt fingers spreading the pile of shit on my belly, spreading it out over my thighs and my pussy, then a finger rubbing my clit through the gooey mess. It felt wonderful. Of course it didn't take me long to come, despite all the painful things being done to me. Then I started to scream, distorted through the dildo. I was screaming because of the fire in my feet, a vicious thin cane falling on the soles of my feet. Bastinado, the favourite torture of Latin-American dictators because it can cripple someone without leaving any visible marks. It didn't last for long, but it was long enough. The dildo was pulled out of my mouth, and the machine started to fuck me again, slowly, as if it was tired. I heard Anna's voice.

    "We're off to get some breakfast now. We'll leave you for a while. I think you'll be keeping busy". And indeed I was. I had an almost continuous stream of users, most of them giving me their shit to wolf down as quickly as I could. There was all kinds, from really liquid that gushed into my mouth and filled it with the strong, oily taste of diarrhoea, to hard little constipated turds, and everything in between. And all washed down of course with a steady stream of piss. Despite being so comprehensively emptied, it wasn't long before I felt like I was bursting again. Somehow I managed to keep swallowing, otherwise I'd suffocate under it all, but it was getting harder and harder. On and off the while the machine was thrusting in and out of me, no longer under my control, just at random. My cunt felt like she was on fire, but of course I was wildly excited as well and every now and then I'd have an exhausted, painful orgasm. I ached all over, too, after being held in a fixed position for such a long time. God knows how poor spot must feel, standing in his ballet heels overnight. Just when it felt like I really would burst, I heard Bianca's voice. Thanks goodness. They were going to release me. I really hoped so. I had had as much as I could take. But no, they had something else in store for me. I felt a very thin dildo pushing down into my mouth. This was my very own invention, but I had never dreamed it would be used on me. This one passed through the hollow centre of the big one, and it was pushed down to the very back of my throat, up and down until the inevitable happened. I retched, just a little at first but as the torment continued I gave a huge heave and suddenly I was drowning under gallons of filth, shit puke of the most disgusting kind imaginable, this time trapped around my head. The rod stayed there and I heaved again and again, my belly hurting. Then the rod was removed. I did what I had to and started desperately swallowing, hoping I could get it all back down again before I ran out of breath. It was really, really awful, even for me. But then the machine stopped, and the box around my head opened. Clean water poured over me, and I could breathe again. and I felt all the various attachments being undone. Hands pulled me out, slithering through all the filth that had accumulated around me. I blinked a few times, and now I could see Anna, Irma and Bianca, all looking at me anxiously.

    "How do you feel?" asked Anna.

    "Fine. Great. Sexy. Filthy. Defiled. Dirty. Horrible. Wonderful". It didn't come out coherently like that, but I babbled all those things, and it was true. I felt completely debased and filthy, and I was aroused as I've ever been. My belly hurt even though it had just been emptied. My poor cunt hurt like hell, when I put my hand to her there were traces of blood as well as shit and piss. My feet still hurt from the bastinado. They helped me stand, and it hurt, my legs were trembling and they had to support me. Anna gave me a big kiss on my filthy mouth, and started to clean my face up with a cool, damp cloth, which felt wonderful. While she did that, Bianca knelt in front of me and cleaned up my cunt with another cloth. I was exhausted, but as always my body betrayed me. She paid extra special attention to my clit, and of course I started to react. Soon it was her tongue that was working on me. I didn't think I'd be able to come again for days, but I was wrong.

    They put a robe around me and took me away to a bathroom, where they cleaned me up. Anna was all the professional nurse. She gave me some stuff to drink and and an enema, and cleaned up my eyes and up my nose and inside my ears, and rubbed various things into all my sore places. I hadn't realised it at the time, but I had rubbed my ankles completely raw while the machine was fucking me. I was still in a daze. I thought of Sue, at the end of her weekend of torment when we cleaned her up. I supposed I must feel about the same.

    "How was your night?" I asked Anna.

    "You really want to know?" I nodded, fearing that she'd tell me she had met the love of her life. "Miserable. My fuck was no good and I threw him out. I spent all night worrying about you. I hardly slept. I kept coming down to look at you. But you seemed to be enjoying yourself. I stood and watched you come while the machine fucked you, you dirty little slut. I missed you like mad".

    My Anna. I love her, and I told her so. We hugged, and we both started crying. I must have really stunk, shit gets into your blood and makes your body really smell strange if you eat lots of it. It didn't seem to bother her. We went to bed, and cuddled and kissed and made love and dozed for a while in each others' arms. The laxative she'd given me soon woke me up though, and I went and gave spot the benefit. I also checked up on snot, the toilet slave who I'd initiated the previous evening, before I had any idea that the same thing would happen to me. Then I went back to bed with Anna. That was it, my first ever experience of being a serious toilet slave. Another virginity lost. I wouldn't want you to get the idea, though, that this was just a one-off thing that made no difference to anything. It had a really big effect on me, and has led me to doing all sorts of things in the months since that I wouldn't have expected. But that's another story, for another time.

    Hallo zusammen,

    bei der Saukälte kann ich mich nur mit dem Gedanken an den Sommerurlaub zu irgendwas motivieren. Für uns geht´s zum 2. Mal in den französischen Roussilion - nachdem ich ja von Italien bekanntermaßen die Nase voll habe. Wir haben dort ein Mobilheim an einem traumhaften kilometerlangen Sandstrand mit Blick auf die Pyrenäen. Kulturell gibt es jede menge alte Burgen aus der Zeit der Tempelritter - Carcassone ist die bekannteste davon, und malerische Hafenstädte zum Bummeln. Am Fuß der Pyrenäen, nahe der spanischen Grenze gibt es ein abgelegenes Schnorchelparadies mit einer einzigartigen Fauna, die ich im Mittelmeer so bisher noch nie erlebt habe. Abgerundet wird das ganze noch durch eine sehr freundliche französisch-katalanische Mentalität und leckere Küche. Ich habe schon in vielen Gegenden am Mittelmeer den Urlaub verbracht, aber der Roussilion lässt keine Wünsche offen. Eine 1 mit *.